How to Treat CF

Cystisk fibrose er en multiorgansykdom som krever omfattende tverrfaglig behandling gitt av CF-kompetent helsepersonell. Behandlingen er tidkrevende for både pasienten og pasientens familie.

The treatment routine involves several daily home therapies, including inhaling various mucus-clearing medications, followed by lung physiotherapy to help expel mucus from the lungs.

For some patients, inhaled antibiotics and intravenous antibiotic therapy may be needed at times. With proper training from a nurse and doctor, these treatments can be administered at home by the patient or their family members, or alternatively, at the hospital.
Nutritional support, such as dietary supplements and tube feeding, may also be necessary to maintain good nutritional status in both children and adults with CF.

In recent years, thorough and interdisciplinary care has led to significant improvements in managing symptoms and extending life expectancy. With Kaftrio/Kalydeco now approved in Norway, living with CF has become somewhat easier for many.

Ongoing Care 

Comprehensive and effective interdisciplinary ongoing care has significantly improved the management of symptoms and life expectancy for cystic fibrosis (CF) patients in recent years. Since CF is a progressive and complex disease, consistent and thorough care is crucial to slow and prevent disease progression. This ongoing care must be provided by healthcare professionals with expertise in CF.

Key components of CF treatment include lung physiotherapy and drainage, stringent infection control, aggressive antibiotic therapy for respiratory infections, digestive enzymes, and proper nutrition. For patients with advanced disease, lung transplantation may be considered as a last resort.

Recent advancements in medications, such as Kaftrio/Kalydeco, have revolutionized the treatment of the underlying protein defect that causes cystic fibrosis. These treatments, known as precision or personalized medicine, have shown significant benefits. For CF patients with the F508del gene mutation, Kaftrio/Kalydeco has led to improved lung function, reduced annual exacerbations, and a notable enhancement in quality of life.

Our specialist advisor, Tonje, addresses questions related to lung physiotherapy and CF in this podcast

Causal Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis
Advancements in genetic research have led to the development of new medications that target the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis (CF) for an increasing number of CF gene variants. These medications are often referred to as personalized medicine. Currently, the medications available in Norway are CFTR modulators, which correct the defect in the CFTR protein. These causal treatments, also known as precision medicines, are effective for about 85% of the CF population in Norway. Various other drugs and methods that aim to address the root cause of cystic fibrosis are still in development.

Life expectancy and future prospects 

The average life expectancy for people with CF has increased considerably over the past 20 years, and children with CF born today are now expected to live their whole lives and be able to become grandparents. We can thank research and holistic treatment plans for this positive development.

Today, the focus is on education and career choice, professional activity, cohabitation and family and being able to have children of your own.

A large proportion of our adults with CF have children of their own. However, it is important to plan your own children early and carefully together with the health team. The positive development in survival and life expectancy is due to extensive research to improve the quality of CF care and a strong focus on interdisciplinary and comprehensive support measures in a life-course perspective, where daily and adapted treatment is central.

Individual variations
It is important to be aware that CF has individual variations in symptoms and disease development throughout life. The treatment is symptomatic and adapted to the individual's needs. Some have very few symptoms and notice little in everyday life, while others can have major consequences from the disease.

Specialized and Interdisciplinary Treatment Services

It is crucial for individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) to have regular check-ups with interdisciplinary healthcare professionals specialized in CF within the specialist healthcare system.

The Norwegian Centre for Cystic Fibrosis (NSCF) på Oslo Universitetssykehus, Ullevål, er det sentrale kompetansemiljøet for CF i Norge, og tar imot henvendelser fra både pasienter, pårørende og helsepersonell. NSCF tilbyr spesialisert og tverrfaglig behandlingstilbud for CF for både voksne og barn. Det er også NSCF som ivaretar og følger opp de som via nyfødtscreeningen får beskjed om at babyen kan ha cystisk fibrose. Det er også NSCF som ivaretar og følger opp de som via nyfødtscreeningen får beskjed om at babyen kan ha cystisk fibrose innnen helseregionene Sør-Øst, Midt og Nord. 

Haukeland Universitetssykehus har ansvar for å følge opp babyer meldt fra nyfødscreeningen innen helseregion Vest. 


Our Services for Individuals and Families with Cystic Fibrosis

Vi i Norsk forening for cystisk fibrose (NFCF) er til for dere som har sykdommen og deres pårørende. Vi har tillitsvalgte og likemenn som står til tjeneste hvis du har spørsmål eller trenger noen å snakke med. Våre fire regionavdelinger har arrangementer over hele landet hvor man kan møte likesinnede og utveksle erfaringer, få nye venner, få tilgang til forskningsnyheter om CF eller bare ha det hyggelig. Vi har også egne lukkede facebook grupper for familier og voksne, hvor du må få godkjent medlemsskap. Kontakt oss gjerne på facebook Facebook or via email at if you have any questions!

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