Meetings and Gatherings for NFCF

Each year, the Norwegian Cystic Fibrosis Association (NFCF) hosts a key weekend event featuring a learning day and the annual meeting. This weekend is crucial for those with cystic fibrosis and their families, offering a chance to come together, exchange experiences, and get updated information on treatment and rights.

In addition to the learning day and annual meeting, NFCF organizes regional meet-ups throughout the year. For details on these regional gatherings, please check the overview under NFCF's organizational structure and administration

Annual Meeting and Learning Day

Every April, NFCF holds its main annual meeting alongside the learning day. This weekend, known as the learning day and annual meeting weekend, is the association’s largest event.

During this weekend, NFCF members—including individuals with CF, their families, representatives from the association, healthcare professionals from various regions, and staff from the Norwegian Center for Cystic Fibrosis—gather together. The event also includes guest speakers and exhibitors.

The learning day program is designed for different age groups and is created by NFCF's advisory board in collaboration with the Learning and Mastery Center at the nearest hospital with CF expertise. The organization of this event rotates among NFCF's four regions.

The learning day is open to all ages and typically features lectures, workshops, and opportunities for open discussions. This creates a unique space where patients and professionals can interact in a relaxed setting.

The annual meeting is a lively event with various activities for all ages, including a special program for young people with CF. The peer support group is also present, and awards and CF prizes are presented during the gala dinner on Saturday.


For members with CF who cannot attend in person, participation via Skype is available by arranging it with the board at

We warmly invite all our members to this important and inclusive weekend!

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