Grants and awards
At NFCF, we value our members and aim to support them in the best possible way. That’s why we have established the Wellbeing Fund as a resource for our members, allowing them to realize their dreams and enhance their quality of life with support from the association.
Vi tilbyr også Fagrådsmidler som bidrar til faglig utvikling av helsepersonell som arbeider med cystisk fibrose eller primær ciliær dyskinesi. Dette initiativet er en del av vårt engasjement for å fremme kompetanse og kvalitet i behandlingen av disse tilstandene.
Each year, we recognize one of our outstanding members with the CF Award. This award honors individuals who have made a significant contribution to the cystic fibrosis community and have been an inspiration and support to others.
Welfare Fund
Har du en drøm du ønsker å realisere? Utstyr du trenger til å fysisk aktivitet eller hobby? Du som har CF eller PCD kan søke trivselsmidler fra vårt Trivselsfond. Søknadsfrist er 20 Mars. Du må være medlem i CF-foreningen.
The purpose of the fund is to contribute to increased wellbeing and support initiatives that make daily life easier for people with CF or PCD and their families. The fund can provide individual grants or support personal projects.
Professional Development Grants
NFCF’s advisory board annually offers grants for the professional development hvert år of healthcare personnel working with cystic fibrosis (CF) and primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD).
This year, NOK 20,000 has been allocated by the NFCF board for distribution.
Applications should include:
- The applicant’s name (individual or professional group)
- Affiliation with CF and PCD care in Norway
- Purpose with a description of content, target group, and costs
Grant recipients are required to submit a report detailing how the funds were used by the end of the year.

CF Award
The CF Award is presented to an individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to CF, beyond what is considered expected. The award is given during the association’s annual meeting and is open to all, meaning it can be awarded to healthcare professionals, individuals with CF, or others who have made a special impact on CF. See the list of previous recipients.
NFCF members are invited each year to propose candidates for the CF Award. In 2016, in celebration of NFCF’s 40th anniversary, three separate CF Awards were presented, known as the CF Jubilee Awards.
- The award is given based on nominations for someone who has made an extraordinary contribution to CF.
2. A jury is formed, consisting of 2 NFCF representatives.
3. The CF Award can be given annually, provided the jury has deserving candidates.
4. The jury has the right to verify that the content of the nominations is accurate. The jury's decision is final and cannot be appealed.
5. The award ceremony is held at NFCF’s annual meeting.
6. For nominees under 18, the nomination must also be approved by parents or guardians. The proposer must obtain this approval and include it in their proposal.
CF-prisen har i mange år vært på kr. 10.000,-, men ble i 2022 økt til kr. 15.00,-
The nomination deadline for the CF Award is usually in March. Announcements and nomination forms with deadlines are sent out with the invitation to the annual meeting, typically in late January or early February.
Congratulations to our CF Award recipients::
2019: CF Award to Ketil Mevold, Chief Physician at Nordland Hospital, long-time member of NFCF’s advisory board, and treasurer of the Cystic Fibrosis Research Fund.
2018: CF Award to Kristin Kjønnøy Slettvåg, former member of NFCF’s youth council, former board member of Unge funksjonshemmede, and key contributor to the report "Sjelden kunnskap – sjelden organisering".
2016: CF Jubilee Award to Pål Finstad, Senior Consultant at the Norwegian Center for Cystic Fibrosis (NSCF).
2016: CF Jubilee Award to Sandra Gursli, Lead Physiotherapist at NSCF.
2016: CF Jubilee Award to Bjørn Skrede, former Chief Physician at NSCF Adult, now Chief Physician at OUS, Lung Department, Ullevål.
2015: Hårek Magne Hansen, Financial Officer at NFCF.
2014: Ann Iren Kjønnøy, Chair of NFCF, for extensive advocacy work.
2013: Not awarded – no nominations.
2012: Helge Michalsen, Advisory Board Chair, pioneer in Norwegian CF care.
2011: Sharon Gibsztein, Network and publication developer, peer.
2010: Olav-Trond Storrøsten, Leader of the Norwegian Center for Cystic Fibrosis.
2009: Per Meland, former Chair of NFCF.
2008: Åshild Fitje, Likeperson, Vice Chair at Frambu.
2007: Truls Zimmer, Likeperson, Board Member, Organ Donation.
2006: Not awarded – no nominations.
2005: Kristin Holler, Leader, initiator of likepersons, user representative.
2004: Åshild Nymo, Leader, likeperson.
2003: Nurse Jorun Homme, NSCF Ullevål Hospital.
2002: Chief Physician Olav Alexandersen, Bodø Hospital.
2001: Chief Physician Sigurd Børsting, Innherred Hospital, Levanger.
2000: Nurse Ellen Hunstad, NSCF Ullevål Hospital.
1999: Chief Physician Ole Christen Haanes, Aker Hospital.
1998: Chief Physician Gjermund Fluge, Haukeland Hospital, Bergen.
1997: Ketil Moe, Global Sports Organizer.
1996: Per Espelid, Chair of NFCF.
1996: Chief Physician Dag Skyberg, Aust-Agder Central Hospital, pioneer in Norwegian CF care.